Women's Resources ///////////////// Not for Women Only Women's Wire Gopher Gopher to: gopher.wwire.net:8101 Menu options range from Women and Politics to a Directory of Women's Professional Organizations and links to other feminist related resources and gopher sites. Perhaps this one _is_ for women only after all... ----- Women's Health Gopher (Univ of Ill. at Urbana-Champaign Gopher) gopher to: gopher.uiuc.edu/11/UI/CSF/health/heainfo/women A virtual medicine cabinet for women related health issues. Info about the Pill, PMS and breast self-examination are only a few of the topics. Also contains information related to pregnancy health care issues. Great site! ----- Women's Resources on the Internet WWW page http://sunsite.unc.edu/cheryb/women/wresources.html This site provides pointers and links to a host of information on women oriented issues. Complete with searchable indexes, links to Usenet groups, a comprehensive list of mailing lists and other numerous related resources. If you only cruise one women's related internet resource - this is the one! ----- The Inform Women's Studies Database http://info.umd.edu:86/Educational_Resources/AcademicResourcesByTopic /WomensStudies/ Wow - now that's some address! This web page is well worth the effort to type in the URL address to get to. You'll find film reviews of women's movies, historical information related to women and bibliographies that will further one's search. But there is also a lot of political info that really makes this page shine. Congressional Caucus Updates, biographies of Congressional women and government figures. Contains info on the changing attitudes of women's roles in politics and leadership. If you are inclined to women's political information - then look no further. ----- Ms. Magazine Conference Telnet to: echonyc.com Both men and women participate in open discussions run by Ms Magazine associate editor Susanne Skubik. The topics vary but there is always something interesting going on here. Intellectually stimuating and you get to voice your opinions freely. Chauvinists watch out - you've met your match here! Places like this to share and communicate opinions and ideas are what the 'net is all about. No rants or tirades please! ----- WOMBATS Page (WOmen's Mountain Biking And Tea Society) http://www/echonyc.com/~hadley/wombats/wombats.html An eclectic group of women mainly into riding mountain bikes. Info on meetings and the local chapters are here. ----- FatherNet Gopher to: tinman.mes.umn.edu select --> Children, Youth and Family Consortium Clearinghouse then select --> FatherNet Gee - a gopher just for Dad and well... fatherly things ----- Men's Issues Page http://www.vix.com:80/pub/men/ Hey - I told you this is "not for women only". Lots of guy talk in here with links on other male related topics. Like a locker room at times but usually it is an informative resource for issues relating to men. =========================================================================== Michele Evard's Web Page http://mevard.www.media.mit.edu/people/mevard/women.html Michele Evard has made a wonderful web site that is "not for women only" This is a work in progress and eventually will expand to encompass many diverse cultural offerings. For now though, this is a great place to find out about women's resources on the Internet and is filled with informative links to places all over the world that deal with women's issues. Evard says that this web site doesn't have an *official* name yet and is asking people who visit to email her with suggestions. This is a great site with (hopefully) a great future. Please surf on over here and let Michele know what you think about her site (and maybe come up with a neat name for it!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vote Smart Project Web Page http://www.oclc.org/VoteSmart/lwv This site is sponsered by the League of Women Voters and makes the voting process and the vagaries of politics easier to understand. This site also has info on how to run a voter registration drive and contains guidelines for grass-roots political support. The political processes of government are presented in such an easy to understand way that you'll be politically savvy in no time. Also has numerous links to other political and voter related issues/topics located on various web pages and ftp sites. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Utah State Extension Service (Marraige Gopher) Gopher to: extsparc.agsci.usu.edu choose "Selected Documents, Fact Sheets and Family Life" A complete archive of information on those who anticipate getting married or those interested in all the details of marraige and marraige related events. There is a section, "Common Questions for the Engaged" that has over two dozen info-files, checklists of the necessary wedding plans and functions, marraige license info and pre-marital medical musts including the ol' blood test questions. An FAQ entitled "What you can do to minimze In-Law problems" is great reading and there is much more here. If you need some sound advice and need some straight answers - then burrow over here! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Granny Murphy http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/~byrne/feedback_post.html Granny Murphy's sage advice is for all those who have questions about relationships that they may be in or are thinking of getting into. Type in your story (or question) on the WWW form and every few days Granny will mail you back sagent advice on how best to handle the situation. This is "not for women only" as many men and teenagers ask Granny for her advice on subjects ranging from boyfriends to what best to serve at dinner. If I had a granny like this - I'd probably never do the wrong thing . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ask Joe http://fishwrap.mit.edu/News/AskJoe.html Well, if you can ask Granny Murphy then why not ask Joe too? Joe Barco from MIT extends his advice to any and all that care to ask for it. He writes a column thrice weekly and this site has the Q & A from his weekly advice tips. You can send Joe your questions (most are about relationships) and have fun reading his helpful advice. Some of these are quite funny and Joe makes it a point to always answer questions in a non-threatening good natured and common sense way. Between him and Granny - your problems are half over and (at least) half answered. A good site that gets better. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Personal Advice http://www.iquest.net/cdromance/personals Lots of hot tips on hot subject matter - this site delves a little bit deeper into um.... deeper subject matter than Granny or Joe. Hmmm..... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The English Server (Feminism Section) Gopher to: english.hss.cmu.edu then select --> feminism This is part of Carnegie-Mellon's famous English gopher server and like everything else at this server the works in here are numerous and of high quality. Whatever you find here is worth reading and there is a lot to choose from. Also contains links to the Women's Wire Gopher and more! All sorts of stuff here to keep you informed and interested for hours. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Web According to Cybergrrl http://www.interport.net/~asherman/title.html This is Aliza Sherman's site (former exec. director of the Domestic Abuse and Awareness Project) and is an exceptionally well done site. Aliza has made a web site that has focus on women related issues and topics although the HTML for Beginners section is very well written and an informative resource for anyone. Lots of links to quality sites, places to chat with others and the site gives folks plenty of chance to voice their opinions and share their wealth of knowledge with others. A section on domestic abuse encourages people to add more to the information library and this whole place is done in such a way that it makes you feel a part of it all (which you can become easily through interactive pages). A very good site that is a breath of fresh air on the web. Not for women only... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi-D WWW site http://www.nyweb.com/hi-d Heidi Dangelmaier, a partner at Hi-D (which is a company that is actively in the process of finding and creating interactive women's resources on the World Wide Web) has created a great web page that is, in a sense, an interative magazine devoted to women's topics and related issues. There are articles and columns that are interactive whereby readers can "chat" and send comments back to the author and/or publisher. Topics range from music to breast-size and the page is evolving on a daily basis. This is (perhaps) one of the best web pages designed for women by a woman who knows exactly how to make a great interactive publication for women and their interests. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOW (National Organization of Women) http://now.org/now/home.html Contains NOW mission statements, press releases, info on impending laws and legislative attempts that NOW feels is important or has a vested or clear interest in. There are also statistics available relating to NOW and NOW efforts and biographies of NOW officers and a guide to the various workings of the NOW organization. This is a quasi-political group that is becoming a strong political voice. NOW is very active in other areas of cultural and minority rights and seems to be gaining momentum in popularity among women and women's minorities. Since this is not an *official* political group, (even though NOW is a politically active group), I put this listing here as I feel that people interested in NOW would have no trouble finding it here in the Women's Resources section of BIGSURF. Stand up and be counted! Hey... even my conservative Mom is a NOW member. I'm proud to say that BIGSURF was one of the first netguide listings to ever include a Women's Resources section. It is a thoughtless oversight that other net publications do not include such a section. It is easy to understand why when the Internet is still mostly a male dominated area. Of course, things do change... one never knows. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intentional Communities http://www.well.com/www/cmty/index.html A page devoted to communities and community life. If you are interested in different aspects of various communities across the US or perhaps might be looking for a community in which to move or raise your children then this is the place to start. Many good links and articles and an online Community Directory make this a good resource on the web. The slant here is mostly on family community living but there is also a Cohousing link that might be of interest to the single person. This page is evolving so stay tuned... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- geekgirl http://www.next.com.au/spyfood/geekgirl/ Unusual site to say the least but very fun and interesting. I'm not sure of the meaning of half of it but maybe someone else will. In any case it kept me occupied for a while and this has to be the most new-age feminist publication out there on the web today. Check it out. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nancy Drew: Girl Sleuth, Girl Wonder http://sunsite.unc.edu/cheryb/nancy.drew/ktitle.html Wow! Nancy Drew goes feminist (well sort of). All sorts of facts and stats on Nancy Drew and her author/creator Mildred W. Benson (aka Carolyn Keene). If you ever read the classic Nancy Drew mysteries or if you know of someone or a youngster who is reading the stories now - surf on over to this page to find out lots of information that will be of news to most folks. This is a "behind the scenes" look at a classic character and the biography of her author that alone makes the trip her worth the while. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Women's Web Pages (Where the Girls Are - '95) http://www.eskimo.com/~susan/girls.htm Susan Dennis has compiled a great web page full of links to web pages made by girls and women dotted all over the web landscape. All sorts of girls' pages are linked and the list is quite lengthy. I can't list 'em all but I can tell you that this is an incredible way to find out what women are up to on the web and many of these links lead to further women's and feminine relate info links and more links and so on... and... you get the picture. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------